Developers receive green light for £150M first phase at Sheffield's West Bar scheme
Full planning approval was granted today for delivery of the first significant phase of the much-anticipated new West Bar mixed use development.
The positive decision means that construction of this important scheme can start within the next few months, on completion of the ongoing demolition. The reserved matters approval kickstarts regeneration of the seven-acre disused site to provide much needed new Grade A office accommodation (incorporating ancillary retail / leisure uses), residential apartments, and high-quality public realm.
Scheme developer, Urbo (West Bar) Ltd, a joint venture between Urbo Regeneration and Peveril Securities (the development arm of the Bowmer and Kirkland Group) has already secured the £150 million funding to deliver the first phase from Legal & General in the largest single private sector investment deal Sheffield has ever seen.
Ultimately the partnership plans to deliver a £300 million mixed use destination that is expected to create around 6,000 – 8,000 new jobs as well as supporting Sheffield’s major housing needs.